Motion capture (sometimes referred as mo-cap or mocap, for short) is the process of recording the movement of objects or people. It uses special infrared cameras to track optical markers placed onto a subject's body wearing a suit. The spatial position of each marker is captured in real-time producing a massive amount of data that can later (after processing) be used in a large variety of applications like character animations, visual effects, motion analysis and much more.
Our own mocap solution contains 24 of such cameras that are now operational allowing us to use the installations for whatever we need: gaming, animations, computer science, kinesiology, etc. Check it out below some pictures we took during our training sessions.
Its time for us to start learning, practicing and developing our first test applications with this technology. If you are a UHV student interested in volunteering to help us work with one of our ongoing demo projects, please contact Dr. Rogerio da Silva at or come by his office at UW 254.
Soon enough the AMETIST group will be ready to invite everybody interested in learning more about this exciting domain.
This is really cool! Keep up the good work. - Provost Glenn